Digital Storytelling:
Definitely a concept which I use a lot in my classes and the students definitely enjoy the process as they have an end result to look at and appreciate.
Movie maker is one which are most familiar with. For our drug unit students need to create an advertisement aimed at drug use and its effects. Its a long process with research, script writing, filming and editing. The quality over the years has been fantastic and on due date the class loves looking at everyones creation. Its a program which is student centred and opens up many possibilities for creation.
Animato is something I have used but not with my students, very much familiar with movie maker and now IMovie as our junior students have IPads.
Podcasts are something which have only used with my senior students as is heavily reliant on finding the correct one to suit students needs. Having looked at the list of educational podcasts it opens up possibilities to use in the future so found that resource very handy. I guess the beauty is its really convenient as once you sign up you continually get the feed so for an ongoing unit perhaps it could be useful. Very easily portable too which is a big plus.
Lots of good advice there Grant, as I have not used video editing software as much as your classes. So very motivating indeed, to see how much your students get out of digital video in the classroom.